A Short Story: The Hare and The Tortoise Moral | Stories for Kids

They were old buddies with a rabbit and a turtle. The rabbit was glad for its speed. He laughed at the turtle for his gradualness one day. He said, "Let us have a race, my dear companion." The turtle said, "Don't be vain, my dear!" I invite the test. 

The race began the following morning. The triumphant spot has been fixed. The rabbit was running actually rapidly. Before long, he was far out. The turtle had been left a long ways behind. Briefly, he needed to unwind. He was lying under a shade pine. Before long, he nodded off rapidly. 

Gradually, the turtle proceeded onward. He saw a dozing rabbit. He didn't wake him, nonetheless. He showed up at the triumphant post. The rabbit woke up at dusk and flew quick. There was at that point a turtle. The bunny lost his race. He felt remorseful and withdrew.

Moral: 1.Slow and steady wins the race.

                2.Pride hath a fall.


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