15 Speedy Learning Techniques with ChatGPT 4 | Education AI-based (Prompts For Studying)

15 Techniques to Optimize Your Study with Chat GPT


As technology advances, new tools emerge to enhance our learning experiences. One such tool is Chat GPT, a powerful AI language model. While there are limited guides on leveraging Chat GPT for studying, I have spent time exploring its capabilities and discovered effective techniques that can help you save time and study smarter. In this article, I will share 15 techniques for using Chat GPT to optimize your study process.

  1. Technique 1: Building Effective Mind Maps

  • Starting with mind maps can be challenging, but Chat GPT can assist you.
  • By providing specific prompts, you can ask Chat GPT to create a comprehensive mind map.
  • Begin with a topic, such as "hypertension," and request Chat GPT to generate a mind map with central ideas, main branches, and sub-branches.
  • Once generated, you can draw it out and fill in the details yourself.

  1. Technique 2: Creating Study Timetables

  • Develop personalized study timetables using Chat GPT.
  • Provide subject and topic details, along with preferred study methods and timeframes.
  • Ask Chat GPT to generate a daily, weekly, or monthly study plan.
  • Specify subjects like "GCSE biology" and desired topics for a particular day, week, or month.
  • Customize the plan with specific study modes, breaks, and other activities.

  1. Technique 3: Generating Recall Questions

  • Active recall questions are effective for learning, but creating them can be time-consuming.
  • Chat GPT can help by generating recall questions in the style of your exams.
  • Use prompts like "Write a multiple-choice question with explanations for multiple sclerosis in medicine."
  • Generate a batch of questions and save them in note-taking apps like Notion or Evernote for future practice.

  1. Technique 4: Writing Persuasive Essays

  • Writing essays can be challenging, but Chat GPT can assist in creating engaging and informative pieces.
  • Begin by mapping out the essay topic, such as "War of the Roses" in history.
  • Prompt Chat GPT to act as an essay writer, researching the topic, and formulating a persuasive thesis.
  • The generated essay can serve as a starting point for your own work.

  1. Technique 5: Creating Missing Word Exercises

  • Test comprehension by creating missing word exercises quickly.
  • Ask Chat GPT to generate fill-in-the-blank questions for a topic like "English as a second language."
  • Students can fill in the blanks with the correct word, enhancing language learning.
  • Teachers can benefit from this technique to create worksheets for their students.

  1. Technique 6: Simplifying Math and Technical Subjects

  • Complex math and technical topics can be challenging without proper guidance.
  • Chat GPT can break down complex subjects and provide explanations in simple terms.
  • Use prompts like "Explain calculus in easy-to-understand terms."
  • Ask Chat GPT to act as a math teacher, providing step-by-step instructions and demonstrations.

  1. Technique 7: Language Translation and Improvement

  • Language translation can be time-consuming, but Chat GPT simplifies the process.
  • Prompt Chat GPT to act as an English translator, correcting spelling and improving fluency.
  • Copy and paste text for translation or grammar correction.
  • Chat GPT's algorithms can refine the text and make it more fluent.

  1. Technique 8: Interactive Learning through Games

  • Games stimulate creativity and enhance learning.
  • Convert Chat GPT into a Choose Your Own Adventure game by providing appropriate prompts.
  • Engage in a creative process by typing commands and receiving responses from Chat GPT.
  • Challenge yourself to navigate through the adventure within a given timeframe.

  1. Technique 9: Applying the Socratic Method

  • Enhance your logic and reasoning skills using the Socratic method with Chat GPT.
  • Prompt Chat GPT to question your beliefs and engage in an argumentative discussion.
  • Great for law, history, or anyone looking to expand their logic and reasoning abilities.

  1. Technique 10: Summarizing Key Points

  • Quickly grasp essential information on a topic with Chat GPT's summarization capabilities.
  • Ask Chat GPT to summarize a text or provide key points on a specific topic.
  • Use prompts like "What are five key points about ancient Rome?"
  • The generated bullet points serve as a starting point for expanding your knowledge.

  1. Technique 11: Simplifying Complex Concepts

  • Make complex concepts easier to understand by asking Chat GPT to explain them as a second-grader would.
  • Utilize prompts like "Summarize this concept in language understandable by a second-grader."
  • This technique follows the Feynman technique, enhancing clarity and comprehension.

  1. Technique 12: Generating Flashcards

  • Save time creating flashcards by using Chat GPT to generate questions and answers in a spreadsheet format.
  • Prime Chat GPT with a topic, such as "photosynthesis," and ask for a two-column spreadsheet with questions and corresponding answers.
  • Copy the generated flashcards into your preferred flashcard software.

  1. Technique 13: Real-Time Quizzing

  • Engage in active recall and self-testing with Chat GPT.
  • Instead of creating recall questions for later use, ask Chat GPT to quiz you live.
  • Use prompts related to a specific topic, such as "GCSE biology," and answer the questions directly in the chat window.

BONUS Techniques:

  1. Technique 14: Code Review and Assistance

  • Utilize Chat GPT for code review and assistance.
  • Paste your code or ask coding-related questions to seek guidance and problem-solving support.

  1. Technique 15: Summarizing Video Transcriptions

  • Extract key points from video transcriptions for better retention.
  • Copy the transcription and prompt Chat GPT to summarize the important points.
  • Use the summarized points to test your understanding or create your own resources.


Chat GPT offers immense potential for improving study techniques and efficiency. By employing these 15 techniques, you can leverage the power of AI to study smarter and achieve better learning outcomes. Experiment with these methods, adapt them to your needs, and unlock new possibilities in your educational journey.

Chat GPT can help in various academic tasks and study-related activities. It can create mind maps by outlining the central idea, main branches, and sub-branches of a topic. You can request a personalized study timetable, specify the subject, topics, study preferences, and schedule. For exam preparation, Chat GPT can generate active recall questions similar to the exam style. It can also act as an essay writer, researching a topic, formulating a thesis, and writing a persuasive essay. Chat GPT can provide missing word content for testing comprehension, summarize long articles or textbooks, rephrase statements or concepts for better understanding, and define difficult terms or concepts. It can generate flashcards, create outlines for essays or reports, suggest resources, find relevant academic papers, and transcribe lectures or presentations from audio recordings.


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